
Sing Along by Rima Saifi , Picture Maha Amro

“Take a deep breath, straighten your walk, dress smartly and draw a smile on your face, try to be pleasant and remember Plato said “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” , you say to yourself as you start your day. You do your daily chores, try to smile, be strong and mature.

You drive your car then you hear a song from the radio carrying what sorrow there is in the heart. You sing along because the words speak your feelings and for just a little while you can own them. You found these words and the courage to say them in the phony disguise of “sing along”.

You cry your broken heart .You want to revenge your hurt. You want to judge, blame and say things like they are. That what happened is just overwhelming. And although you say you are ok, you are not really. For a short private moment you say it all with a song.

That opportunity to have the corresponding song to your life doesn’t come that often. In these ever so hectic times you don t get to indulge yourself in taking the time needed to get over something on a slow pace. You have people depending on you. You have to be strong; you have to stand on your own feet. You have to hide your weakness. You have to just “Get over it! “ Or at least pretend to.

A friend of mine wrote on her Facebook status that she thinks that what’s wrong with life is that it doesn’t have its own soundtrack. I thought it was funny. Now I think it’s really true. When you have the right music and words you have an opportunity to escape or exhale and maybe you would even have the power needed to recharge.

I give merit to the writers, musicians and singers who are actually not only artists but also in a way can become our healers. They tell you it is ok to be hurt and that others did go through this too. And if you hear another upbeat song you find joy and say what the heck let’s get it over with and move on. Tomorrow is a new day.

“Take a deep breath, straighten your walk, dress smartly and draw a smile on your face, try to be pleasant and remember Plato said “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”. Choose a song to be your soundtrack for today “.

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. I tend to have soundtracks for different times in my life. Sometimes it's a month and others it's a year but def. have a soundtrack! Music just gets out things in different ways.

  2. I agree :) these days Mine is the Arabic song I like Jolly People ( بحب الناس الرايقة )
